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The achievement of important aims as well as the investments in high technology have allowed us on one hand to bring essential modifications on our safety cabinets and on the other hand to introduce new cabinet typology.

This year Labor Security System enters the market with a completely renewed product range in accordance with new European Norms. L.S.S. in corformity with stricter and stricter fireproof regulations is pleased to present its news for the year 2005 as follows:

- SAFETYBOX FWF - safety cabinet equipped with new internal fireproof insulation made up of porous insulating matter with high fire resistance.
- SAFETYBOX CD - safety cabinet for documents, magnetic and paper records. It could be very interesting and useful for offices, schools, universities and banks, that have to save Cd-Rom and important documents in a safe place.
- SAFETYBOX AA 700 - aspirated and filtered safety cabinet for storage of approx. 90 litres of chemicals, acids and bases. TUV Certification.
- NEW BASE - each model of Safetybox, but models AC 700/50 GS; AC 1000/50 GS and AB 1000 GS will be equipped with new base, which make our cabinets more easily transportable.
- FILTER AND FAN KIT - on request for models A 100 and A 700.
- STANDARDIZED CLOSING SYSTEM - each model of Safetybox, but models AB 700 GS and AB 1000 GS, are equipped with new closing system, which is safer and provides much internal volume.

By visiting our website: www.laborsecurity.com you can have a complete and always up-to-date description of our product range.

Feel free to contact us in case of any enquiries or further information.


Seminar for Dealers in Saint-Petersburg 17-18 June
New Lab Furniture and Lab Techniques will be presented as well as saturated excursion program.


New dilutor Gravimat: dilutes automatically the sample with the corresponding amount of diluant. Easy to use, quick and very accurate, it also provides full tracability thank to detailed reports.


Questions which are important for the World...

At the equator our weight is a half percent less than at the North Pole. What is the reason for this?
Answer: Due to the rotation of the earth the strongest centrifugal force is found at the equator. At the poles this force, which "tears a mass away from the earth" equals zero.

Which building can be seen from the moon only with the eyes?
Answer: None. Even the Chinese Wall which is often the answer to this question, has never been seen by an austronaut. If we could see it, we would also be able to see an ice wafer from a distance of 380 km.


Dates and shows

You will find JULABO stands at the following exhibitions:

CIA Singapore - Singapore, Dec. 2 - 5, 2003
Semicon Japan - Tokyo (Japan), Dec. 3 - 5, 2003
CHEM 2004 - Athens (Greece), Feb. 26 - 29, 2004
Pittcon - Chicago (USA), Mar. 8 - 11, 2004
Semicon China - Shanghai (China), Mar. 17-19, 2004
Forum Labo - Paris (France), Mar. 22 - 26, 2004
Analytica - Munich (Germany), May 11 - 14, 2004


Service: Online telediagnostic service

The new circulators with a RS232 interface offer a special function to support the user. A "Black-Box", which is integrated in the controller, runs silently in the background during operation and records all the relevant data of the last 30 minutes. For service queries, this data can be read from the unit, using software and can be sent via e-mail to the JULABO customer service. This information helps technicians to respond quickly and competently. The software is available as a free of charge download.


News on www.julabo.de

The new circulators program is now available on the internet. There is a clear product data sheet for each model. The data sheet includes a description of the product as well as important technical details. Additionally, an interactive online presentation allows a quick overview on the new program.


The new standard in the ‚TopTech’ range

With the new ME models illustrated in the ‚TopTech‘ series ,JULABO now offers economical heating and refrigerated circulators with various functions. The circulators provide a lot of technical innovations which are unique in this product range:

Working temperature ranges from –88 up to +200°C (depending on the model)
Connection for external Pt100 sensor for measuring and controlling
Perfectly readible VFD-Comfort-Display
Early warning system for low level
Electronically adjustable pump capacity with capacities up to 450 mbar and 11-16 l/min
ATC3 Three-point calibration
Integrated programmer for 10 steps
Real-time clock for time-controlled processes
Highly precise PID cascade temperature control
RS232 interface and much more


Special : JULABO profile

In the new profile brochure, you will learn important information about JULABO. This brochure includes a relevant presentation of the company, as well as secondary information on research and development work. Furthermore, you will get an overview on the sectors production, quality and service.


News / press / catalogues

I. With the foundation of a new branch, JULABO strengthens its presence in China. The new location in Shanghai is a further step towards the extension of business in the progressing Chinese market. Previously, to this new branch being established, considerable increases in turnover have occurred in China, due to a well-cultivated network of distributors. One of the main goals for JULABO is to achieve a local closeness to the customer. This new expansion ensures the best conditions for this. End users and specialist dealers benefit from the knowledge and services of local qualified staff. The additional JULABO Service Centre in Beijing (Peking) offers customers direct contact to competent technical professional people.

II. Forcing Test Refrigerated/Heating Circulating Bath FTC05
The JULABO FTC 05 Forcing Test Refrigerated/Heating Circulating Bath works in conjunction with a external photometer to determine the "potential to last" for bottled beer. The beer is aged in a programmed temperature cycle treatment, which is repeated until assitional clouding is observed. If you are interested, there is a new brochure for this model. The brochure can be requested free of charge at JULABO.

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